Privacy Policy

Data Privacy Policy –

1. Data privacy overview

General Information

The following information provides a quick overview of what will happen to your personal data when you visit the website of Officebricks GmbH (hereinafter "Officebricks"). This Data Privacy Policy underscores our commitment to protect your privacy. In what follows you will find out how Officebricks handles personal data on this website. Personal data are any data that can be used to identify you. You will find detailed information about data privacy in the Data Privacy Policy below.

Global data privacy standards

The operator of this website takes the protection of your personal data very seriously. We handle personal data in conformity with global principles and standards in terms of making transparent use of personal data, making available and honoring user options, and defining and following rules for data access, data integrity, data security, data transfer, and verification of compliant data processing. In particular, Officebricks collects, processes, and uses personal data in compliance with the Federal Data Protection Act (BDSG) and the Regulation on the Protection of Natural Persons with Regard to the Processing of Personal Data and on the Free Movement of Such Data, and repealing Directive 95/46/EC (EU General Data Protection Regulation, hereinafter "GDPR").


By using this website you consent to the storage and use of your data as described below. We will always notify you of any changes to this Data Privacy Policy, so that you will always be informed about which data are stored by Officebricks and how such data are used.

Where required by applicable data protection law, we will also expressly ask for your consent to further processing of personal data that you have made available to us or that have been collected on this website.

Who is responsible for data processing on this website?

Data processing on this website is the responsibility of the website operator. You can find the contact information for the website operator in the legal notice on this website.

If you have any questions about this Data Privacy Policy or would like to know which of your personal data we store, please contact:

Dr. Peter Smeets
Tortell Smeets Lange Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaftsgesellschaft mbB
Cretzschmarstraße 10
60487 Frankfurt am Main/ Germany
Email: [email protected]

Please note that online data transfers (e.g., communication by email) may be subject to security gaps. It is impossible to protect data from access by third parties 100%.

How do we collect your data?

Officebricks would like to better understand your desires and interests and provide you with the best service possible. That is why Officebricks collects and uses personal data as described below and in conformity with applicable data protection law.

To begin with, data will be automatically collected by our IT systems when you visit our website. Such data involve primarily technical data (e.g., Internet browser, operating system, or time of page request). Such data will be automatically collected as soon as you access our website.

We will collect your IP address, place cookies, and use other Internet tools (hereinafter referred to as "automated tools" or "integrated web links"), which help us collect general information about visitors to our website and their interests. Your browsing behavior will generally be analyzed in anonymous form; your browsing behavior will allow no inferences as to your identity. You can object to such an analysis or prevent such an analysis by not using certain tools. You will find detailed information about this in the following Data Privacy Policy.

In what follows we will also explain which technologies we use and which type of information we collect with those technologies.

In addition, we will collect data that you have provided to us, such as information you enter into the contact form on our website.

What data do we collect and why?

Officebricks collects data in order to provide you with consistent, personal service. Officebricks will use your data exclusively as described in this Policy or as described when data are collected. Any subsequent changes to the purposes for which your data are used are subject to your express consent, unless a change is otherwise permitted by applicable law.

Some data are collected to ensure error-free use of our website. Other data may be used to analyze your user behavior.

We will process data, inter alia, for the following purposes:

  • to process your inquiries and deliver products or services you have ordered;
  • to provide you with information about our product and service announcements and with other information. In some cases this may also include information about other companies and business partners if their products appropriately complement the products of Officebricks;
  • to tailor information about our products and services specifically to your personal needs. That way, we can, for example, provide you with information about the exact products or services in which you are interested;
  • to be able to contact you, respond to customer inquiries, and to provide information in response to shipment and billing question;
  • to process job inquiries;
  • to perform contractual obligations; and
  • to answer questions from the press and to provide information to the public on an ongoing basis.


Which rights do you have with regard to your data?

You have a right to receive free information about the origin, recipients, and purposes of your stored personal data at any time. You also have a right to have your data blocked or erased. You have the right to review and rectify any of your personal data that are stored by us, if such data are outdated or incorrect in your opinion. If you have any questions about your rights or about the topic of personal data, please feel free to contact us at any time at the above email address.

Right to lodge complaint with competent supervisory authority

You have a right to contact the competent supervisory authority if you have questions or would like to lodge a complaint. The competent supervisory authority is the Hessischer Datenschutzbeauftragte, Gustav-Stresemann-Ring 1, 65021 Wiesbaden (

Right to data portability

You have a right to have data that we automatically process based on your consent or in performance of our contract with you transferred to yourself or to a third party in a standard, machine-legible format. If you request that your data be transferred directly to another controller, we will do so only if and to the extent that this is technically feasible.

Right to revocation

In many cases processing your personal data will be permitted only with your express consent. You have a right to revoke your consent to our use of your personal data at any time with effect for the future. To exercise this right, it is sufficient if you send an informal notice to the above email address. The lawfulness of any data processing that takes place before your revocation will remain unaffected.

To which recipients may your data be transferred?

As a company doing business all over the world, Officebricks also has an international online presence.

We will process your data in-house to process your inquiries and orders and to continue improving our products and services. If necessary, Officebricks will also transfer information to business partners, service providers, third parties, or subcontractors. This may be necessary to provide a service you have requested, to perform a contract with you, or to inform you of products or services.

We will transfer personal data to third parties only to the extent necessary to provide services. Third-party providers may use such personal data exclusively to provide the requested service or to execute the necessary transaction.

Your personal data will not be transferred, sold, or made available to any third parties for marketing purposes except with your prior consent.

Officebricks may be forced to disclose your data and related information by court order or regulatory directive. We also reserve the right to use your data to prosecute or defend legal rights or claims.

In conformity with applicable law we further reserve the right to store and transfer personal data and other data to uncover and prevent illegal acts, fraud attempts, or violations of our terms of use.

How do we protect your personal data?

Protecting your personal data is very important to us. To protect your personal data effectively against unauthorized access, misuse, and disclosure, Officebricks uses standard security methods and technologies. This also includes secure server technology and other state-of-the art methods for preventing misuse.

For security reasons and to protect confidential information, such as orders or inquiries you send to us, the website operator, during transfer, this website uses SSL or TLS encryption. When a connection is encrypted, the address line of your browser will change from "http://" to "https://" and a lock symbol will appear in the address line.

If SSL or TLS encryption has been activated, data you transmit to us cannot be read by any third parties.

In addition, we require all of our employees to comply with the duties of data privacy and data secrecy as required by the General Data Protection Regulation.

How long will your data be stored?

Officebricks will store personal data only as long as they are necessary for the purposes for which they were collected or for compliance with applicable law. We will erase your personal data when our contract with you has terminated, all mutual claims have been settled, and there are no longer any legal recordkeeping obligations or other legal reasons for storing your data.

2. Collection of data on our website


Our website sometimes uses so-called "cookies." Cookies cause no harm to your computer and contain no viruses. The purpose of using cookies is to make our website more user-friendly, effective, and secure. Cookies are small text files that are saved to your computer and stored by your browser.

Most of the cookies we use are so-called "session cookies." When you leave our website they will be automatically deleted. Other cookies will remain on your terminal device until they are deleted by you. Such cookies allow us to recognize your browser the next time you visit our website.

You can set your browser preferences so that you will be notified when cookies are placed and that cookies will be allowed only on a case-by-case basis, so that cookies will be blocked in certain cases or in general, or so that cookies will be automatically deleted when you close your browser. If cookies are blocked, the functionality of this website may be limited.

Cookies that are necessary for electronic communications or making available certain functions you have requested (e.g., the shopping cart function) will be stored on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in storing cookies for making available its services free of technical errors and in the best possible way. To the extent that any other cookies are stored (e.g., cookies to analyze your browsing behavior), such cookies are discussed elsewhere in this Data Privacy Policy.

Server log files

The provider of this website automatically collects and stores information in so-called server log files that are automatically transferred to us by your browser. Such information includes:

  • browser type and browser version
  • operating system used
  • referrer URL
  • host name of accessing computer
  • time of server request
  • IP address

Such data will not be merged with any other data sources.

The legal basis of data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR, which permits data processing for performance of a contract or pre-contractual measures.

Contact form

If you send us an inquiry using the contact form on our website, we will store the information you provide in the contact form, including your contact information, for purposes of processing your inquiry and answering any follow-up questions. We will not transfer such data to any third parties without your consent.

Data you input into the contact form thus will be processed exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 let. a) GDPR). You may revoke your consent at any time by sending us an informal notice by email. The lawfulness of any data processing that takes place before your revocation will remain unaffected.

We will store data you enter into the contact form until you ask us to erase your data, revoke your consent to storage, or your data are no longer needed for the purposes for which they are stored (e.g., after your inquiry has been processed). Mandatory provisions of applicable law – in particular legal recordkeeping obligations – remain unaffected.

Email addresses

Our website includes a contact form that you can fill out to request information about our products or services.

If you provide your email address, we will only contact you by email. We will use your email address only within our company and will not transfer your email address to any third parties. You may decide at any time that you no longer wish to receive emails from Officebricks. To do so, you can simply send a brief message to [email protected].

Depending on the settings of your email program, information may be automatically transmitted to Officebricks when you send an email to Officebricks.

3. Analysis tools and advertising

Google Analytics

This website uses functions of the web analysis service Google Analytics. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Pkwy., Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A.

Google Analytics uses so-called "cookies." Cookies are text files that will be stored on your computer and allow an analysis of your use of our website. Information about your use of this website generated by such cookies generally will be transferred to a Google server in the United States and stored there.

Google Analytics cookies are stored on the basis of Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in analyzing user behavior in order to improve its website as well as its advertising.

IP anonymization

We have activated IP anonymization on this website. As a result, your IP address will be masked by Google in member states of the European Union or in other signatory states to the Agreement on the European Economic Area before they are transferred to the United States. Only in exceptional cases will the full IP address be transferred to a Google server in the United States and masked there. On behalf of the operator of this website Google will use such information to analyze your use of the website, to compile reports about website activities, and to provide the website operator with additional services related to website use and Internet use. The IP address transmitted by your browser in connection with Google Analytics will not be merged with any other data of Google.

Browser plugins

You can block cookies by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser; we note however that if you do so, you may no longer be able to fully use all features of this website. You can also prevent Google from collecting and processing data about your use of this website that are collected by the Google Analytics cookie (including your IP address) by downloading and installing the browser plugin that is available at the following link: .

Objection to data collection

You can prevent Google Analytics from collecting your data by clicking on the link below. An opt-out cookie will then be placed preventing that your data will be collected when you visit our website in the future: Deactivate Google Analytics.

You will find more information about the handling of user data by Google Analytics in the data privacy policy of Google:

Google reCAPTCHA

We use Google reCAPTCHA (hereinafter "reCAPTCHA") on our website. The provider is Google Inc., 1600 Amphitheater Pkwy., Mountain View, CA 94043, U.S.A. (hereinafter "Google").

reCAPTCHA checks whether data are entered on our website (e.g., in our contact form) by a person or a robot. For this purpose reCAPTCHA analyzes the behavior of visitors to our website based on various criteria. The analysis starts automatically as soon as a visitor accesses our website. For analysis purposes reCAPTCHA analyzes various information (e.g., IP address, length of website visit, or mouse movements made by the user). Data collected in the course of the analysis are then forwarded to Google.

reCAPTCHA analyses are running continuously in the background. Visitors to our website are not informed that the analysis is taking place.

The legal basis for data processing is Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR. The website operator has a legitimate interest in protecting its website from misuse in the form of automated phishing or spam.

Additional information about Google reCAPTCHA as well as the data privacy policy of Google are available at the following links: and

4. Newsletter

Newsletter data

If you would like to subscribe to the newsletter offered on our website, we will need an email address for you as well as information allowing us to verify that you are the holder of the specified email address and agree to receive the newsletter. No other data will be collected except on a voluntary basis. We will use such data exclusively for sending you information you have requested and will not transfer such data to any third parties.

Data entered into the newsletter subscription form will be processed exclusively on the basis of your consent (Art. 6 para. 1 let. a) GDPR). You may at any time revoke your consent to our storage of your data and email address and to our use of your data and email address to send you the newsletter, for example by clicking on the unsubscribe link in the newsletter. The lawfulness of any data processing that takes place before your revocation will remain unaffected.

Data you have provided to us for purposes of receiving the newsletter will be stored by us until you unsubscribe from the newsletter and will be erased after you have unsubscribed. Data that are stored by us for any other purposes (email addresses for the members area) will remain unaffected.

Links to other websites

Our website may include links to websites of third-party providers. Officebricks assumes no responsibility for data privacy safeguards or content of any websites other than those operated by Officebricks.

5. Plugins und Tools


Our website uses plugins of YouTube, a website operated by Google. The operator of the website is YouTube, LLC, 901 Cherry Ave., San Bruno, CA 94066, U.S.A.

If you visit a page of our website that includes a YouTube plugin, a connection to the servers of YouTube will be established. In the process the YouTube server will receive information about which pages of our website you have visited.

If you are logged into your YouTube account, YouTube will be able to associate your browsing behavior directly to your personal profile. You can prevent this by first logging out of your YouTube account.

We use YouTube in the interest of making our website attractive to visitors. This is a legitimate interest within the meaning of Art. 6 para. 1 let. f) GDPR.

You will find additional information about the handling of user data in the data privacy policy of YouTube at the following link:

YouTube videos are in each case integrated in the "expanded data privacy mode," i.e., no data about you, the user, will be transferred to YouTube unless you watch a video. Only if and when you watch a video, the following data will be transferred:

As a result of clicking on a video YouTube will receive the information that you have accessed the page of our website that links to that YouTube video. This will happen whether or not YouTube makes available a user account through which you are logged in and whether or not a user account exists. If you are logged into Google, your data will be associated directly with your account. If you do not wish your data to be associated with your YouTube profile, you must log out before clicking on a YouTube video. YouTube will store your data as user profiles and use them for advertising and market research purposes and/or for designing its website in conformity with user demand. Such an analysis will be made in particular (even for users who are not logged in) to show advertising in conformity with user demand and to inform other users of the social network about your activities on our website.

You have a right to object to the creation of such user profiles. To exercise this right, you must contact YouTube.

You can block the aforementioned tracking in one or several ways:

  • by selecting the appropriate settings in your browser; in particular if you block third-party cookies, you will receive no ads from third-party providers; however, this setting will be deleted if you delete your cookies;
  • by blocking cookies for conversion tracking; you can set your browser at so that cookies from Google will be blocked; once again, however, this setting will be deleted if you delete your cookies;
  • by blocking personalized ads from providers that are part of the self-regulation campaign "About Ads" using the link ; once again, this setting will be deleted if you delete your cookies; or
  • by permanently blocking personalized ads using the browser add-on available at  for Firefox, Internet Explorer, or Google Chrome.
  • Google will process your personal data also in the United States and has committed to comply with the EU-US Privacy Shield (see above).


Web analysis service of MyFonts Counter

For the uniform display of fonts the Officebricks website uses so-called web fonts licensed by MyFonts. When you access a page of our website, your browser will load the necessary web fonts into the browser cache in order to correctly display texts and fonts.

The Officebricks website uses MyFonts Counter, a web analysis service of MyFonts Inc., 500 Unicorn Park Drive, Woburn, MA 01801, U.S.A. Under the license terms page view tracking is performed by counting the number of visits to the Officebricks website for statistical purposes and transferring that information to MyFonts. MyFonts collects data in anonymous form.

Data are transferred by activating JavaScript code in the user's browser. To block execution of JavaScript code by MyFonts, users can install a JavaScript blocker (e.g.,

You will find additional information about data privacy and cookies at the following link:

Changes to this Data Privacy Policy

As a result of new developments, e.g., changes in applicable data protection laws, we will update this Data Privacy Policy from time to time (if necessary).

Last revised: May 15, 2018


Bornheimer Landstraße 54

60316 Frankfurt am Main/ Germany